Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hurricane IKE

My Dad and I spent all day Friday boarding up our windows and getting extra gas for the generator. We lost power early Saturday morning at 2:30 a.m. and still don't have any. When I woke up Saturday I walked outside and saw huge tree branches on my roof, yard, and street. We lost half of our fence and there was a big tree that fell on our power line. We spent most of Saturday and Sunday picking up and cutting branches. Monday i went to HEB and stood in a huge line to get in and my grandparents came down for a visit and brought some gas, food, and bottled water. Tuesday i worked on my English project and my grandparents left. Wednesday i went to the movies with a friend and helped my dad fix dinner. Thursday I went to my dads work and had lunch with him...then went to the movies again. That weekend i decided to drive to San Antonio to see my friends and family and stay with them sense they had power. We just got power back last week on Friday! And that was my lovely hurricane story.

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